
Eco Wave Power signs concession for world's largest wave power station

字号+ 作者:668影视网电视剧大全 来源:行业动态 2024-09-22 15:37:54 我要评论(0)

Sweden's Eco Wave Power has been proving its relatively simple, jetty-mounted wave energy devices fo

Sweden's Eco Wave Power has been proving its relatively simple, jetty-mounted wave energy devices for at least 10 years now, and has now inked a conditional deal for a 77-megawatt installation in Turkey - the world's largest wave power plant.

We first encountered this company, originally founded in Israel, back in 2012 when its device was being tested in wave tanks. It's about as simple as wave energy gets: little floats rise and fall with the waves, driving hydraulic motors that run electrical generators. These aren't floating designs, they're mounted on land-based infrastructure like jetties and seawalls, so they can harness the full height delta of each wave relative to the ground, deployment and maintenence are a breeze and there's no mucking about with undersea cables to get the energy back to shore.

As a result, the company says its generators are relatively cheap, and capable of paying for themselves in somewhere around three years. They should have a service life around 30 years, says Eco Wave Power, and with a levelized cost of energy (LCoE) around US$44 per megawatt-hour, they produce energy around the clock at a cost that allows them to compete with solar and wind energy, depending on the location.

It installed its first grid-connected wave energy plant in Gibraltar in 2016, a 100-kW system that ran for six years before being dismantled earlier this year, with the guts of it being sent across to the United States to operate as a demonstrator of sorts. In March, the company said it was entering into negotiations with Gibraltar about a much larger 5-MW facility that would provide 15% of its power needs.


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