
Police to crack down on traffic violations during Lunar New Year holiday

字号+ 作者:668影视网电视剧大全 来源:资讯 2024-09-22 19:31:43 我要评论(0)

(123rf)The police will crack down on traffic violations during the Lunar New Year holiday – when the

(123rf)(123rf)The police will crack down on traffic violations during the Lunar New Year holiday – when the country’s traffic volume usually surges as people visit their hometowns for family gatherings.

The National Police Agency (NPA) said Tuesday that the most frequent violations of traffic laws on highways during the Lunar New Year holiday over the past three years were driving on shoulders, the paved space on the side of the road for emergency use. It took up 41.8 percent of all reports, followed by violations of driving on designated roads and cutting in at 32.3 percent and 12.2 percent, respectively.

To clamp down on such violations, the police plan to dispatch 42 undercover vehicles with camcorders and drones. The drones, in cooperation with the Korea Expressway Corporation, will be used in places where patrol cars cannot easily access due to heavy traffic.

In addition, bus drivers will report cases of individual vehicles driving in the bus-only lane, according to the NPA.

After analyzing traffic data over the last five years, the police also selected 30 spots with the most traffic accidents across the country. In those areas, the police will maximize the number of personnel and equipment to conduct more patrol missions. 66 unmanned cameras will be implemented to prevent accidents from speeding.

“We expect a decrease in traffic volumes as people refrain from visiting hometowns due to the coronavirus,” the NPA said in a press release. “But for those who have to be on the move, we urge all drivers to comply with the traffic regulations to have a safe and joyful Lunar New Year holiday.”

By Kan Hyeong-woo (


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