
Conglomerates check internal measures against sexual harassment

字号+ 作者:668影视网电视剧大全 来源:产品中心 2024-09-22 08:24:33 我要评论(0)

Leading conglomerates are making sure they have full guidelines in place to deal with sexual assault

Leading conglomerates are making sure they have full guidelines in place to deal with sexual assault and harassment at their work sites after a series of such revelations at leading companies, corporate sources said Tuesday.

Male workers at Hanssem and Hyundai Card have been accused of sexual assault against entry-level female employees, and the companies are being criticized for mishandling the cases at the early stages. The accusers say they were forced to remain silent or reverse their testimony by pressure from company management.
In Hanssem's case, a signature drive demanding due punishment is underway on the Web site of presidential office Cheong Wa Dae.

Samsung Electronics has an online and offline "SOS channel"

through which its employees can report sexual or verbal abuse as well as misbehavior related to drinking. The accuser can choose to demand private settlement at the official level. The company declared zero tolerance for sexual harassment in 2015.

"Internal sexual harassment scandals are truly a big issue with big risks. You can say that nearly 100 percent of the perpetrators have to quit," a company official said.

Hyundai Motor's guideline is to launch an investigation immediately after a complaint of sexual crime is filed. If the crime is confirmed, the company metes out the highest level of punishment while extending protection to the victim. Consultation and phone call centers are always open, and their TalkTalk Center has professional psychologists who will listen to any problems at work sites.

SK Innovation said it also has consultation centers to listen to victims of sexual harassment. An investigation begins on the day that a complaint is received, with a female attorney present throughout the probe.

SK hynix has a banner on its intranet for its employees to report sexual misconduct, either by victims themselves or by witnesses.

LG Group said it has teams at each of its affiliates to promptly handle sexual abuses under the principle of nontolerance, regardless of the status of the accused in the company ladder. (Yonhap)


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